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AUGUST, 1987 

Issue No. 1 

Mark Smith 

When I was lirst informed that I had to write a mini 
description of mysell.frankly, \ was worried. NoUhal 
I was stuc k f or i d ea s , bu I M isn't easy to s i t do w n an d 
write about someone that you have only known lor 
sateen years, that is interesting , , , and still 

One of my primary tasks in l he Honami Software 
dub is lo aciusiiy wriie and cornpila the newsletter. 
This wiil Include the writing of reviews, something 
which [ consider myse I r to be quite competent at 
Already I have written for various publications in the 
computer media field, although I consider my 
current position to be the most interesting and 
exciting yet! 

Even though I am an MSX enthusiast, I enjoy using 
other machines too. I have no favourites outside of 
Ihe MSX field, and I always review games keeping in 
mind (he machine's capabilities and limitalions. So, 
from the humble Spectrum to (he mighty MSX? and 
Atari ST, you can expect fair and unbiased reviews! 

Apart from editing the K3G mag, and generally 
making a nuisance of myself, I will also be manning 
the Konami HefpUne from 9^5 every weekday I will 
be helping out callers -with their gaming problems, 
and arso answering any queries that you have about 
(he Club. When you ring, please quote your number 
so that you can receive a more personal service. 

The KSG WewsfeNer wrll also be lealuring any 
questions or informalron that you send through the 
post. If you want to see any specific item in Ihe mag 
I hen let us know — it's always mtereslmg to see 
Ol her people's ideas and articles" 


Jackal Review - Nemesis Playing Tips 
Penguin Adventure Cul Short! 
Amazing Maze Of Galious 
News In Brief ... 


Arcade Review: Nemesis 
JACKAL playing tips 

I'm sure [hat all of you will agree whan I say that 
Kg nam i never cease to amaze us when it comes to 
arcade games (or euen computer games!), All of you 
must remember the excrtement caused when Hyper 
Olympics and Hyper Sports were lei loose Into the 
arcades — you had to Form a queue on every 
machine for hours so get a go h Konami have gone 
from good to hotter ever since, with smash titles 
such as Satemancfer and Nemesis Thankfully, 
Jackal is no exception, being a lop quality and 
exhilarating game to play 

in Jackal you control a small, two-manned jeep, 
which is green in colour and sports a cule flag, 
showing Ehe jeep's player number (as two players 
can play simultaneously), Once you've inserted your 
money and pressed ihe star! burton, you and your 
jeep are parachuted into enemy territory Your 
mission is lo rescue as many PoWs as possible and 
carry them safaly !o the next rendezvous poms 
where they will be lifted out by helicopter 

While rescuing the prisoner you have to iry and 
avoid the many obstacles in your way, These 
hazards include enemy artiirery, landmines, lalllng 
rocks. I lame-throwers, ens my aircraft and missHes. 
Konami use if ue stale of the art graphics, combined 
with an excellent array of colours. As well as all of 
Eh is, l he re are a series of superb Junes played 
throughout, accompanied by some outstanding 
sound effects! 

II you survive all pi tne Treacherous landscape*, you 
will nave to confront and destroy the Master 
Complex. This is guarded by two laser-firing turrets 
which are near impossible lo outmanoeuvre. The 
only way it can t>e done is to immediately career lo 
the rig hi or left and position your jeep so that you 
have a dear sr ot at rhe building i!self. which has tu 

be shot several times before it eventually explodes. 

Vour jeep is supplied with grenades and bullets al 
first, but you can build up your weaponry by 
penetrating a selected amount of huts and picking 
up the P0W5 that emerge from them. Four "power 
ups' can be collected, and ihey form log ether lo 
produce an extremely destructive piece of equip- 
ment. When you have collected the first power up, 
you are given a simple exploding missile, then on to 
a two-star missile and, last of ail, a four-star which 
looks just as it is described. Once you have the 
four-star missile, enemy destruction is imminent, 
especially if I wo players are playing. 

Overall, Jscka! is intriguing to play and a real 
challenge to ail you arcade buffs. Once you gel 
familiar with all of the screens and find out where & 
lot of the enemy appear, all of a sudden the game is 
much easier. As soo n as y ou ve lost al I ol you r I i ves, a 
map is displayed, showing you how tar you have 
gone. Payability is slick, with some moves only 
possible with practice. Movements of your jeep and 
the opposition are well animated and a pleasure to 
watch, es pec i a 1 1 y t he explosions! Jackal rea I ly is one 
of those games thai makes you wan l to come back 
for more and more . . . until completion, Well worth 
your spare ten pennies? 

Review by Jan Machin 

11 appears thai some people are still having 
difficulties on the first level of Nemesis. The best 
idea that I found was to first get ihe laser, I hen the 
option and then speed on Ihe opening screen. When 
you move i n to the land sea pe a rea , watc h you r bac k , 
and taka out the top enemies, then the middle, and 
Finally Ihe bottom. At Ihe first possible chance get 
the missiles, which will probably save you a few 
embarrassing dealhs! 

Once you reach the rock with the missile launchers, 
keep high thus avoiding the looming menaces, and 
missing 1he t*nemies advancing from behind. Neat 
you will have to deal with iha erupting volcano, 
which needs cool(!} and active reflexes. The best 
position to situate yourself is direct Fy above the first 
lava-breathing mountain, right at the fop. This way 
you don't score many points, but you donl lose 
many lives! A missile or l wo is helpful, but not 

Finally, on the last stage of level one, you have lo 
defeat one oi (he molhar ships. To destroy it, you 
must shoot away its shields, which are situated in the 
middle, wiithonly asmaHqap tosheot through Wilh 
3 laser, the tasfc Isn't too' difficult, but if your warp 
rattler has only buHets then your job is even more 
daunting than belore! The oniy irnng that you can 
do, apart from dying, is to shoot a lew shields, dodge 
the missiles, and repeal over and over again, until it 
finally disintegrates. 

CBM 64 owners can make life even easier ny 
choosing the four player mode, and pressing 
shiftlock. This will make your ship invulnerable, but 
you will still have to shoot tne baclerions lo score 
points. Amstrad owners also seem to have a cheat 
mode. By choosing two players and lei ling the 
second player get as far inlo the game as possible, 
then, when you die. you will be able to start the game 
from where you left off for so an anonymous caller 
tells me!). 

Penguin Adventure 
Warp Mode (MSX) 

So you've gol the apple, defeated all eight 
Phry say ruses and rescued Penguinette, have you? 
Well, we've news for you — you needn't have worked 
so hard, as you can get to level twelve in just three 
warp jumps! Here's how . , , 

Rem ember how you avoided those big crevasses 
lifcethe plague, and looked oul for the traders" holes 
as if they were gold? All of that will now change as it 
is the la rger crevasses t hat trigger o f f t he warp I evel . 
ToNnd the easy way, you start on level and fall down 
al I of t he big hoi es whi 1st w i g g I ing your j oy si ick. On e 
of these holes will lake you a few levels forward 
through a warp system . Keep on doing this — it will 
only work on certain levels — and you should linally 
wind up on level 121 




Title? The Maze Of Galious 

Format: MSX Mega Bit (128k) Cartridge 

Price: £18.95 

The Maze QfGatious, Konami's latest release for the 
MSX, is the sequeJ to Knightmare which was 
released in the rnrddle of last year. And, although it is 
Sal a My dif f eren I, Ihc game ca rr ies on beau irf u My from 
where ils predecessor left off. 

In ^nightmare, Popofon had En rescue Aphrodile 
from (he evil clulchesof the dark overlord, Hudnos. 
The kidnapping of Aphrodile. though, was a ploy by 
Galious, so as to I gave Cass I q Greek vulnerable to 
attack whilsi Popolon was away. Galrousdid starl an 
assault on the castle, and he also look the unborn 
child of our intrepid couple from the heavens, He 
then hid himself, and the child, in the castle . . . 

It is your task to take on ine roles of Popolon and of 
Aphrodile and rescue your lulure child, not Forget- 
ting the castle and its surrounding worlds. You can 
switch between the two characters during [he game, 
both of whom have different energy and vitaliiv 
(experience j ratings. You receive a certain amount 
of experience each lime I hat you kill a monster, the 
total depending on the creature. When your 
experience bar reaches i Is peak then it resets itself lo 
nought and you regain any lost energy! 

The Maze Of Gaiious is a unique arcade adventure 
with ten different worlds to visit and a keyword 
needed to recover each one. When you type in the 
■word in e certain room (you'll be able to recognise it 
by the morbid, but ingenious, music) a rather nasly 
looking creature wrll appear, which you will have to 
defeat. No mean feat K believe me! 

In the game there are many items to find (or buy ) and 
use. You can collect loose corns lying around, and 
then use them to barter with the traders in the castle. 
Castle Greek, though, is not a really friend ty place to 
visit, however profitabfe, and I certainly wouldn't 
lake my grandmother thereon a Sunday afternoon. 
There are a great varying number of monsters to 
defeat and dodge, and not one of them gives you so 
much as a friendly smile! These hostile enemies 
include undead kmghts, sword weaving skeletons 
and even blood-sucking bats, not to mention the 
flesh-cat ing hedgeftogs! 

Another feature in The Maze Of Gafious is the 
apparent ROM saving codes. During the game you 
can visit Gods who will give you a forty-five letter 
code to lype in for when you switch off and return 
later, or when you die. This will start the game with 
all of the items and weapons thai you left the game 
with, and also I ha energy rating that you achieved. 


This trtle appears to me lo be the MSX 1 version of 
Vampire Kitter, the lirst Konami release lor the MSX 
2, as ils style is similar in both gamepjay and 
graph res. However, this game is a little more active, 
and ihe playing area is larger. Each world consists of 
about fpfteen ruoms and each has its own p rob terns 
to overcome. The castle is larger still, with about 1 56 
rooms lo visit. The graphics are different m each 
place, and they are very colourful and detailed. Also, 
Ihe music constantly changes, wtth a variety of 
voices, drums and effects to listen out for. 

Without doubt, The Maze Of Gaiious is one of (he 
best sequels to appear this year, and is on the same 
level as Nemesis and Penguin Adventure for sheer 
pla^abilily and enjoyment. I would say thai it's 
highly recommended from us, but that's pretly 
obvious. So why nui try it am sec whal yuu think'? 

in brief . . . 

□ Konami have licensed Ocean to produce 
Gryzor and Cornbai School on the Spec- 
trum, Commodore and Amstrad formats. No 
release dale yet but further details next 


□ Battlantis. Konamis most recent arcade 
game, is receiving good reviews, along with 
Combal School. Our reviews in future issues 
wiit be revesting? 

n Iron Horse. Salamander and Jackal are ati 
scheduled for release on the CBM &4 r 
Spectrum and Amstrad micros. Atari 3 Bit 
owners witf he pleased to fearn that Jackal 
witt also be the first release on their 
machines. Unfortunately, there is no news of 
avaiiahiiity of these products on the MSX yet: 
However, there arc rumours that a sequel to 
Nemesis is on the cards . . . 

□ Looks tike Konami aren't satisfied with the 
sound chip in the MSX machines (A Y- 3-39 W 
compatible), They have developed an eight- 
votce polyphonic sound chip to enhance 
their cartridges even further. The one tested 
here on a future release certainty takes 
music and sound FX into the realms of 
arcade standards . . . more in a later issue! 

□ The second M$X 2 release from Konami is 
soon to be published. The game, Metal Gear, 
is a complicated army game with a massive 
playing area and so much to do that it's quite 
unbelievable! One special feature in this 
mega-hit game is the radio transmission, 
You can caft up your squadron leader for 
information and aiso receive it bach again. 
Great graphics and a film-style soundtrack 
make this game an instant classic* 

□ Ocean have licensed Konami to produce 
Top Gun on cartridge for the Nintendo 
games console . . . wonder if it will he used in 
conjunction with the Zapper Gun? 


About the Konami 
Software Club 

The tfSCwasset up to briny micro users and arcade 
fans. all of She latest news about Konami and their 
products. This was a result o* many, many telephone 
cstls. and an enormous amount of mail showing a 
great enthusiasm for Konami software. Although we 
do have a good relationship wMh most magazines, it 
would be unfair to expect them to devote loo -many 
pages to K on ami, so this New&t&tter will be bringing 
you an of the up-to-date news and Kerns I hat you 
may not be able 10 read elsewhere. 

In each issue of the KSC Newsletter* we will bo 
reviewing arcade and computer game,s. Jooking at 
various machines, and keeping you inlormed on 
new products and ideas. Jn addition to the Spec- 
trum, Amstrad, Commodore 64, MSX and Atari 6 Bit 
micros, we will also be covering the C1&, Einstein 
and 16 Bit machines for which Konami are 
developing games. 

One aspect oi a successful newsletter j 3 the 
readership input, We always, welcome your letters 
and ideas thai you send to us. and we ere especially 
looking lor your pfaying lips on both Konami arcade 
end compute games., So why not-writ e in? 


PCW tickets! 

Thinking of going to the PCW show in September? 
The KSC is offering you the chance to enter the 
show on one of the public days free of charge! The 
first 100 members that write to us expressing a view 
on the first Newsletter (and claiming their prize?) will 
receive a complimentary ticket for themselves! It's as 
simple as thai? 

Konami Helpline 

The Konami Helpline is here for you to use so 
that you can ask us questions aboul your 
favourite games. We should be able to give you 
a helping hint For most games that wrlj set you 
on your way again, 

We will also be answering any queries lhat you 
have about the Konami Software Gtub, and 
letting you know about lorthcoming releases 
on all machines. You can also find out all about 
the new titles by phoning after five and listening 
to the Helpline Hotline. 

Tel: 0626 56789 


Following our popular offer with C&VG for 
Wemes/s T-shi rts, th e re has been a n i n c rease i n 
cost from the manufacturer. This has resulted 
in the cost rising to £4.95 for K5C members, 
including post and packing, The non-sub- 
scriber price is £5.95- 

Grders should be sent to: 
W& V Supplies, 
Bank Buildings, 
Bank Street. 
Newton Abbot, 
TQ12 2JL. 


PCW preview - in depth. 
Gryzor arcade review. 
Track And Field - CBM 64 review 
New Merchandise - more arcade 

New M SX release - surprise review! 
Nintendo - another Japanese 

Cheat measurements in inches please. Access/ 
Barclay card are accepted. Cnequcs and postal 
orders should be made payable to "W & V Supplies". 
Please allow 28 days for delivery. 

Ea*OiM*iOU*nr d--, Hmki^,. 17D»nhSi'ttl W^l^ A biro I DrtMlTQlJJJL 
tc-o- MirfcSmnh 

ftjfeiitf^r Chpnn.j. Htmm^t 

Ho-*«. >t i itgwfntf iridt mw* nl Koahth . v*} with ps» iht iiiia KiHUmi SoUwjn 
C'uD ■! ^ wih p*-i- n-an Qi *Qr+m< LI4 Ha a*n o1 inn pjQ-Hlrtfi un u 

■.-, ;l .>dj:«J wrthoul p*f m.sng* WtHf *Y1I> iMgrt 4 FTIM* IQ frffcjr* (hp KCUTHV & MM